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With More Than 30 Years of Experience in the Career Development Field.

David Parker is the executive director of career development and alumni relations at the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management—University of California, Santa Barbara. He started the Career Development Program more than 25 years ago. With his leadership and dedicated staff, this program has become one of the top environmental science and management placement programs in the country.

Career strategist, job search coach, university career services director, and prior Fortune 50 recruiter

— Erin Williamson
Manager, Energy & Sustainability Strategy
Edison Energy

Dave Parker is unmatched in his insights into navigating the stressful world of job seeking. He knows his stuff when it comes to helping job seekers secure their dream jobs. Slam Dunk Job Search is more than just a book of advice—it's a tried-and-true program that unlocks the hiring black box.

Negotiation techniques

slam dunk tactics

JOB SEARCH strategies

mindset development

career design 

With his experience as a recruiter, hiring manager, career director, job search coach, corporate trainer, and organizational development consultant, David has expertise in number of career-related areas, including the following:

Areas of Expertise

Job hunting often feels like a job unto itself—and not one you want. From unspoken rules and awkward “networking” events to highly competitive industries and frustrating rejections, the job market is a complex minefield for even experienced and qualified job seekers. It often takes months, if not years, to land any good job—not to mention the job of your dreams.

In Slam Dunk Job Search, David Parker simplifies the often intimidating job search into a highly effective step-by-step process to help you reframe your search, wow employers, seal the deal, and make landing your ideal job a slam dunk.

What if you could navigate your job search with clarity, confidence, and even joy?

davID's book: slam dunk job search

"Parker's greatest strength is the sharp, forceful tone he employs throughout. Job seekers are bombarded on all sides by advice on how to improve their resumes, increase their charisma in interviews, and enhance their skill at reading the personalities of their possible future employers. The last thing such readers need is a wishy-washy approach, and the author avoids the equivocal completely. He provides his readers with graphics, bullet points, pull quotes, and the like, all geared, as his prose is, to convey the maximum amount of useful information in the clearest possible way."

The most trusted voice in book reviews since 1933.

Slam Dunk Job Search Book Review

An energetic, helpful, and thought-provoking coaching manual for improving job-applying skills.

full review

“Dave Parker's Slam Dunk Job Search book will give you a set of
essential, life-long skills that can help you land jobs in the years ahead.
Get this book now. Read it. Apply it. Change your life forever!”

“Change your life forever!”

— brain tracy,
Top selling author of 80+ books, international speaker, and seminar leader


“I have no doubt that Dave Parker's Slam Dunk Job Search book will change how you approach your job search, turning what is an otherwise grueling experience into one that is both fun and incredibly effective.”

"fun and incredibly effective"


“I had the privilege of having Dave Parker personally help me land a job right out of grad school at a Fortune 500 company. Dave’s insights will empower you to take the first steps on your new journey and prepare you for every stage of the process.”

"Dave's insights will empower you"

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